To celebrate Financial Capability Month, Royal partnered with the Minnesota Credit Union Network (MnCUN) and four other credit unions on April 27 to play Go Big or Go Broke® in the rotunda of the Minnesota State Capitol. Through this collaboration, we were able to demonstrate to lawmakers and Capitol visitors how credit unions advance financial well-being for all Minnesotans. In the three hours that we were there, we had people of all ages playing the game and engaging in financial literacy.
For those who aren’t familiar, Go Big or Go Broke® is an interactive, life-sized board game designed to teach financial education in a way that's anything but boring! The players are the game pieces, moving around the board by answering trivia, decision, and chance questions, with some unexpected trips to the Money Pit and Credit Chaos Corner along the way. The object of the game is for players to earn the most money while expanding their financial knowledge. Go Big or Go Broke® was awarded a CUNA Best Diamond Award earlier this year.
For more information about Go Big or Go Broke® or any other of our signature financial education programs, visit our Financial Education page on our website.