Auto Loan
We make it easy to get behind the wheel with great rates and fast loan decisions.
Call us at 800-341-9911 or visit an office
Auto Loans As Low As 4.69%* APR
We make it easy to get behind the wheel with great rates and fast loan decisions. Purchase or refinance today! Apply Now
Our low interest rates, local loan decisions, and flexible repayment terms will keep you smiling as you get behind the wheel. Use our auto loan calculator to find out how much car you can afford, or see our great auto loan interest rates below. Then use our easy online application to get preapproved and save time at the dealership.
2022 & Newer Vehicle Rates
2015-2021 Vehicle Rates
2014 & Older Vehicle Rates
Research Garage
Do your own auto buying research from anywhere! You can shop local inventory, research new vehicles, request a quote, and apply for a loan. Our Royal Credit Union Research Garage is always open, before you ever visit a dealer.
Auto Refinancing
Refinancing your vehicle could let you take advantage of lower interest rates and save money!
Helpful Tools & Calculators
Get more information about auto loan options or use our auto loan calculators!