What To Bring To Your Appointment
Learn what to bring to in-office appointments for the following appointment types:
Personal Deposit Account Openings
Personal Loan Applications
Personal Loan Closings
Mortgage Loan & HELOC Applications
HELOC Closings
Business Deposit Accounts
Business Loans
Personal Deposit Account Openings
To open a personal deposit account, such as a checking account, savings account, IRA or HSA, money market, or certificate, you'll need to bring the following for each signer on the account:
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Current address
- Proof of current address such as Driver's License, ID Card, utility bill, or bank statement
- Phone number
- Email address
- A valid photo ID
- An additional form of ID such as a social security card or health insurance card
- An account deposit
- If adding a beneficiary: bring that person's name and social security number
Personal Loan Applications
To apply for a personal loan, credit card, auto loan, or recreational vehicle loan, you’ll need:
- Job history and income records for at least the last 2 years
- Current address and address history for the last 2 years
- Proof of current address such as Driver's License, ID Card, utility bill, or bank statement
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Email address
- A valid photo ID
- The same above information for any additional borrowers
- For auto or recreational vehicle loans, you’ll also need the following (or provide estimates if you’re still shopping):
- Vehicle make, model, year, and color
- Vehicle identification number (or serial number for non-auto loans)
- Value/Price of vehicle
- Mileage (or hours/other info for non-auto loans)
- Plate number to transfer (if applicable)
- Purchase agreement (if applicable)
Personal Loan Closings
To close on a personal loan, credit card, auto loan, or recreational vehicle loan, you’ll need:
- A valid photo ID for each borrower
- For all loans, any additional documents requested by a Royal team member
- If you are purchasing an auto or recreational vehicle through a dealership and want to close at an in-office appointment instead of at the dealership, bring the purchase agreement to your appointment
- If you are purchasing an auto or recreational vehicle from a private party, bring the following to your appointment:
- The first and last name of the seller, the seller's address, their phone number, and the seller's date of birth if they are a Wisconsin resident (this is required by the WI DMV)
- The agreed-upon purchase price
- Vehicle info, including the VIN, year, make, model, body style, color, and current mileage
- If there is a lien on the collateral: a copy of the title; payoff information, including a 10 or 15 day payoff amount, per diem or daily interest amount; the loan account number at the lienholding financial; and the name and payoff address for the lienholding financial
- If there is no lien, the title (not a copy) will be required to be present at the closing
Mortgage Loan & HELOC Applications
For mortgage loan applications, you’ll need:
- Completed electronic, paper, or in-person application
- Most recent paystubs covering a 30-day period for each applicant
- W-2 forms for most recent 2 years for each applicant
- Most recent 2 months of account statements for any checking, savings, or retirement accounts listed on the application
- If self-employed, most recent 2 years of tax returns with all schedules, signed and dated, including personal and business if applicable
- If retired, 2 years of award letters from the organization providing your income, W-2 forms, 1099s or last 2 years of federal tax returns
- For child support or maintenance, a copy of a recorded divorce decree and the most recent 12 months of account statements showing receipt of support
For construction loan applications, you’ll need:
- Completed electronic, paper, or in-person application
- Application fee (will be applied toward closing costs)
- Purchase agreement on land if not included in construction contract or not previously owned
- Most recent paystubs covering a 30-day period for each applicant
- W-2 forms for most recent 2 years for each applicant
- Most recent 2 months of account statements for any checking, savings, or retirement accounts listed on the application
- If self-employed, most recent 2 years of tax returns with all schedules, signed and dated, including personal and business if applicable
- If retired, 2 years of award letters from the organization providing your income, W-2 forms, 1099s or last 2 years of federal tax returns
- For child support or maintenance, a copy of a recorded divorce decree and the most recent 12 months of account statements showing receipt of support
- Additional documents and contract from the builder or general contractor that include:
- Subject address and borrower name(s)
- Builder’s name, address, phone, and license number
- Total cost of construction
- Estimated time to complete
- Number of loan fund draws during construction
- Statement addressing how overruns and change orders will be addressed
- Signatures of all parties with dates
- Documentation of plans and specifications (blueprints)
- Cost breakdown or Royal Sworn Construction Statement signed by contractor (cost breakdown may be provided electronically)
For home equity line of credit applications, you’ll need:
- Completed electronic, paper, or in-person application
- If self-employed, most recent 2 years of tax returns with all schedules, signed and dated, including personal and business if applicable
- Additional income documentation may be required for HELOCs above a certain loan-to-value ratio:
- Most recent paystubs covering a 30-day period for each applicant
- W-2 forms for most recent 2 years for each applicant
- Most recent 2 months of account statements for any checking, savings, or retirement accounts listed on the application
- If retired, 2 years of award letters from the organization providing your income, W-2 forms, 1099s or last 2 years of federal tax returns
- For child support or maintenance, a copy of a recorded divorce decree and the most recent 12 months of account statements showing receipt of support
HELOC Closings
For HELOC closings, you'll need:
- A valid photo ID such as a driver's license
- Any other documents requested by your Loan Specialist
Business Deposit Accounts
For business deposit accounts, you’ll need information about your business entity, the signers on the account, and beneficial owners/control persons.
Before applying, it will help if you have this information ready about your business entity, yourself and anyone else on the account, including beneficiaries.
Business Entity Info:
- Employer Identification Numer (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN)
- Type of Business Entity
- Legal Business Name
- Business Address
- Business Phone Number
- Business Email Address
- Trade Names (Doing Business As)
- Two Forms of Identification for the Business
Account Signer Info:
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Date of Birth
- Home Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Valid ID
- Title/Position within the Business
- Account Signer's Authority (Monetary Transactions and Non-Monetary Requests)
Beneficial Owners and 1 Control Person of Business
(If a beneficial owner has 25% or more ownership)
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Home Address
- Valid ID
- Identity of the one business control person
- Percentage of Ownership for each beneficial owner - more information on beneficial owners
Business Loans
- Required information varies depending on the type of loan and type of business
- You’ll need to provide detailed business and personal information
- You may also need to provide complete federal tax returns for the business and owners on the application