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Protecting Your Personal Information From Fraud And Identity Theft

Cyber criminal using their laptop

Watch this video to learn about fraud and identity theft and what you can do to protect yourself.



As the video points out, we can’t always keep things like our name, address, and phone number private, but it’s important that we keep account numbers, social security numbers, and other private information protected because it’s a combination of information that helps an identity thief be successful. The more they know about you, the easier it is for them to piece things together to steal your identity.

You may be wondering what can happen if you’re the victim of identity theft. If your information is stolen, a thief can empty your bank account, run up charges on your credit cards, open new utility accounts, and get medical treatment using your health insurance. They could also obtain a driver’s license or passport, open bank accounts, forge checks, apply for loans and credit cards, open insurance accounts, and file a tax return in your name and get your refund.

Although the list of things that identity thieves could potentially do with your personal information can seem frightening, by understanding what you need to protect, you are already taking steps in the right direction to keep safe.

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